Acupuncture for Arthritis
Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine using small needles placed in the body at various standard points. The needles may be accompanied by the use of heat, pressure, light, or electric current. The practitioner may use Chinese herbs in conjunction with needle treatments.
Prolotherapy Injection
Needless to say, this is not a therapy that we learn about in medical school or orthopedic residency or fellowship. Most of the folks I have spoken with about this treatment practice in the alternative medicine or naturopathic sphere.
Stem Cell Injection
Have you heard about stem cells before? Stem cells are cells that exist in the body at an early stage of development and can “differentiate” or turn into multiple possible cell types.
Hyaluronic Acid (HA) “Gel” Injections
The next commonly administered category of arthritis injections are hyaluronic acid or “gel” injections.
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Injection
What’s the story with PRP (platelet-rich plasma) injections for arthritis?
Knee Injections
I had a mentor in residency who used to say we can offer a patient three things when they come to the office:
1. 🔪 (Surgery)
2. 💉 (Injection)
3. 👋 (Physical Therapy)
Hip Anatomy – Acetabulum
The acetabulum (from the Latin for “little vinegar cup”) is the hip socket. Yesterday we looked at the femoral head, which is the ball that fits within this socket.
Hip Anatomy – Femoral Head
The hip joint is made up of two parts, the ball and the socket. The ball is known as the “Femoral Head”. This is the top of the femur (thigh bone).
Arthritis Affects 1 in 4 Adults
What is the scope of the problem of arthritis? Roughly 1 in 4 adults. With many millions affected, and a large proportion of those still of working age, arthritis is one of the biggest reasons for lost work time and reduced quality of life.