Same Day Surgery for Partial Knee Replacement — Presentation at American Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons 2021, Dallas TX
Finally got the full video from our #AAHKS2021 presentation. Always honored to be a part of the discussion to improve care for our joint replacement patients.

Activity Modification for Arthritis
The least invasive, easiest way to decrease symptoms from arthritis is to avoid activities that cause pain. This is what we call “activity modification”.

5 Questions Your Surgeon Will Ask You
When you go to see your joint replacement surgeon about hip or knee pain, be ready for them to ask you the following five questions. Each question is asked to determine specific bits of information to help us piece together the source of your pain and the best treatment options, even before we do a physical exam or look at your x-ray imaging.

Arthritis X-Ray Classification Video
In 1957 Kellegren and Lawrence release their landmark paper on a new x-ray classification system for arthritis. This system would become the gold standard after the World Health Organization adopted it as their arthritis classification in the 1960’s. At the time of the release of the K-L system, it was typical that only one x-ray was available to diagnose a patient, because the radiation doses were so high, it was risky to obtain multiple shots.

Assistive Devices (Cane, Crutch, Walker) for Arthritis
Using an assistive device, such as a cane, crutch, or walker is one part of the arthritis management program that often gets overlooked.

Physical Therapy for Arthritis
One of the key components to a successful arthritis management program is physical therapy and a home exercise regimen.

Arthritis Management Care Coordinators
Is your arthritis care managed by an arthritis management program coordinator?

Arthritis Non-Surgical Management Program
When you go to see your doctor about your arthritis pain, they may send you to see an orthopedic surgeon. Why? To figure out if you’re a surgical candidate or not.

Iovera Cryotherapy for Arthritis
The cutting edge of needle-based treatments is IOVERA, a focused cold-therapy needle procedure.